Rabu, 19 Maret 2014

veiled women

Images of veiled women - beautiful, polite, and very visible Muslim. These are the images of veiled women are beautiful in this post. A collection of beautiful women who wear veils and so it looks beautiful outside and inside as he closed his private parts with hijab. Because of a religious order that requires close the genitals including the hair so that you look more radiant and appreciated by other men. With this blog it gives the pictures a beautiful veiled woman to give a good example to the Muslim women.
 As commanded by Allah in the Quran that itClosing Aurat
Close the genitals and Muslim clothing when out of the house are two separate discussion , because Allah SWT . and His Messenger has indeed been separated them . Close the genitals is an obligation for all Muslims , men and women . To the Muslim , Allah . Happenings close the genitals has set the al - Quran surah an- Nur verse 31 :

وقل للمؤمنات يغضضن من أبصارهن ويحفظن فروجهن ولا يبدين زينتهن إلا ما ظهر منها وليضربن بخمرهن على جيوبهن
Say to the believing women , " Let their gaze and preserve his honor ; do they reveal her jewelry except the ( usual ) looked at him . Obligatory upon them to wrap cloth hood to his chest . (Surat an- Nur [ 24 ] : 31 ) .

 The phrase m zahara minha ( commonly looked at him ) implies the face and both hands . This can be understood from some of the Holy Prophet . , Among them : First , the narrative tradition ' A'ishah the states ( which means) :
One time my brother came from the same mother daughter father ' Abdullah bin Thufail with ornate . He visited me , but suddenly the Prophet. turns his face as he entered . I also said to him , " O Messenger of Allah , he is my brother and the girl is a virgin responsibilities . " He then said , " If a woman has balig , he should not show his face and limbs except this . " He said this while holding the wrist his own hands and he let the palm of one hand with the palm of the hand grip to the other ) . ( HR Tabari ) .
Second , the narrative tradition also ' Aisha r.a. It asks that the Messenger of Allah . once said :
« قال يا أسماء إن المرأة إذا بلغت المحيض لم تصلح أن يرى منها إلا هذا وهذا وأشار إلى وجهه وكفيه »
O Asma ' , actually a woman , if it had balig ( having periods ) , does not seem worthy of her body except this and this ( pointing to the face and the palm of his hand ) . (Abu Dawud ) .

 From the above , it is clear that the usual look is the face and both hands , as described also by the scholars , that question is the face and the hands ( See : Tafsir al- Shabuni , Tafsir Ibn Kathir ) . Tabari stated , " the most powerful opinion in the matter is the notion that something unusual looks are the face and the hands . " ( Tafsir Tabari ) .
It is clear that a Muslim woman is obliged to cover her entire body , except the face and palms . That is , apart from the face and hands should not be seen by men who are not her mahram .
Clothing for Women in Public Life

In addition to the rules about closing the nakedness , Allah . also provide the same detailed rules about the clothing of women in public life , the hijab ( jilbab , abaya ) and khimar ( veils ) .
In daily life, it is possible for a woman to leave the house to meet his business ; into the market , to the mosque , to the family and relatives , and others . This condition allows the interaction or encounter with men . Islam set , when a woman goes out , he should wear ar ¬ Khim ( veil ) and jilbab .

 Allah . says :
وليضربن بخمرهن على جيوبهن
Let them cover with cloth hoods ( khimar ) to their chests . (Surat an- Nur [ 24 ] : 31 ) .
Tampaka clear from this verse , that Muslim women are required to spread a veil over her head , neck , and juyub ( openings shirt ) them . Meanwhile , the hijab , Allah . says in another verse :

ياأيها النبي قل لأزواجك وبناتك ونساء المؤمنين يدنين عليهن من جلابيبهن
O Prophet , tell your wives , your daughters , and the wives of the believers : Let them stretch out their scarf around the body . ( Surah al - Ahzab [ 33 ] : 59 ) .
Jalâbîb words contained in the verse is the plural of jilbab . In language , the veil is a kind of coat or shirt similar to the coat ( See : al - Muhith Dictionary ) . According to some scholars think the interpretation , understanding is as follows :

 1 . Fabric cover or smocks / coat that covers the entire body of a woman . ( Tafsir Ibn ' Abbas , p , 137 ) .2 . Long shirt ( mulâ'ah ) which covers the entire body of the woman . ( Imam an- Nawawi , in the interpretation Jalalyn , p. 307 ) .3 . Clothes that cover the whole vast beauty and women's jewelry . ( Ali ash - Shabuni , Shafwah at - Tafâsîr , vol . 2 , p. 494 )4 . Clothing such as tunnel ( length dress straight down to the bottom ) in addition to veil . ( Tafsir Ibn Kathir ) . In essence , God commanded the Prophet to call on his wives , children women , and women in general - believer when they leave the house to meet his business - to cover the entire body , head , and also juyub them , ie to cover the chest - their chests .5 . Clothes that are larger than a khimar ( veils ) . Ibn ' Abbas and Ibn Mas'ud narrated , that the veil is ar - rada'u , namely tunnel ( straight without a piece of clothing covering the entire body ) . ( Tafseer al - Qurtubi ) .

So how are the women at the time of the Prophet. when they are out of the house ? This will appear from the following hadith :

 «قَالَتْ أَمَرَنَا رَسُولُ اللهِ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ أَنْ نُخْرِجَهُنَّ فِي الْفِطْرِ وَالأَضْحَى الْعَوَاتِقَ وَالْحُيَّضَ وَذَوَاتِ الْخُدُورِ فَأَمَّا الْحُيَّضُ فَيَعْتَزِلْنَ الصَّلاَةَ وَيَشْهَدْنَ الْخَيْرَ وَدَعْوَةَ الْمُسْلِمِينَ قُلْتُ يَا رَسُولَ اللهِ إِحْدَانَا لاَ يَكُونُ لَهَا جِلْبَابٌ قَالَ لِتُلْبِسْهَا أُخْتُهَا مِنْ جِلْبَابِهَا»
 We , the women , ordered by the Prophet to come out during the Eid al-Fitr and Eid al- Adha , both girls , women who are menstruating , and the girls seclusion . Women who are menstruating ordered to leave the prayer and witness goodness and da'wah ( symbols ) of the Muslims . I asked , " O Messenger of Allah , one of us there who do not have a veil . Prophet. said : Let the scarf lends his brother . " (Muslim ) .
Hadith above implies , that there is a Shahabiyah who do not have clothes ( veil ) for use outside the home , and he only has the clothes home . Prophet. himself has instructed all women , even women who are menstruating and sheltered, though , to come out and witness the greatness of the prayer / Islam. And then the woman complained her condition . Prophet. then instructed the other women to lend to the woman's outer clothing so that the woman can leave the house to meet his appeal .

 The following verse from the Qur'an further strengthen the above hadith :
والقواعد من النساء اللاتي لا يرجون نكاحا فليس عليهن جناح أن يضعن ثيابهن غير متبرجات بزينة
Old women who had stopped ( from menstruation and contains ) that has no desire to marry again , Nor sin upon them stripped of their clothing ( outerwear ) by not revealing jewelery . (Surat an- Nur [ 24 ] : 60 ) .
The verse explains that women who had experienced menopause may be to take off the veil ( outerwear ) her . However , they are still obliged to cover her nakedness .
Of some texts and descriptions mentioned above , it is clear that the veil is outerwear ( coats resembling ) wide and uninterrupted ( like a tunnel ) that covers the clothing / garment daily ( al - mihnah ) and all parts of the body except the face and both hands . Thus , headscarves and veils are two different things . Both are matters which are required by Allah . Muslim woman to wear when going out of the house . Hopefully Allah . allows us to carry out any obligations that God has set and cemented our faith to make us always be subject to and bound by His laws . [ Khalimah Muslim ]

 Source of Referral:

1. Taqiyyuddin an-Nabhani, an-Nizam al-ijtimai fi al-Islam, Darul Ummah. 2. Tafsir Ibn 'Abbas. 3. Tafsir Ibn Kathir. 4. Tafsir Jalalayn. 5. 'Ali ash-Shabuni, Ash-Shafwat at-Tafâsîr, 6. Sayyid Qutb, Fi Zhilâl al-Qur'ân.

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